How to Have All the Time in the World


Busyness. It's a sign of pride these days. The problem for most of us, is that even if we don't take pride in being workaholics, we don't know how to change. Especially for those of us who are entrepreneurs, there's a never-ending pile of stuff to get done. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I read an amazing post this week by a guy named Austin Grigg. In it, he talks about the problems with always being busy. I couldn’t agree more with what he wrote and it was a real punch in the gut at this stage of life, precisely because of all the chaos that fills my days.

I loved this bit:

“I want to live like I have all the time in the world. I want to slow down and savor the beautiful things of life. I want to give myself away to what is truly important. I don’t want to be someone vexed in spirit, always busy.”

First of all, what a freaking beautiful sentence. Second, I want that too. And I’m feeling the weight of time as I get older. My kids are growing up. There’s a limited amount of time that they will call me “daddy” and want to crawl into my arms every day for a snuggle.

And, to be completely honest, that alone is worth more than all the fame and success a business could ever bring.

My encouragement to you is to follow Austin’s advice. Slow down. SLOW. DOWN. Take notice and really experience each moment. It sounds completely cliche, and I know that. But it’s true. It’s the little moments that make up a life. And they are so valuable.

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