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Further, evidence suggests systematic disregard of indigenous populations in a number of countries. Although the probability increases with maternal age, 70% of children with Down syndrome are born to women 35 years of age and younger, because younger people have more children. There have been reports of cases where peasants complain and demonstrate because the conversions have not been done in a transparent way, and there have been accusations of corruption of local officials. Since testosterone controls in part the strength of libido in women, this could be a physiological cause for an increased interest in sex. This legislation was the first of its kind ever offered in Congress. Election days and certain national holidays such as Independence Day are meant to be dry days when liquor sale is not permitted but consumption is allowed. The Fitness section showcases how-to workouts with detailed moves so the reader can replicate the activities effectively. If a rape or assault can be proven, the use of a drug likely increases the severity of the case. Part of the reason for the rising incarceration rates was due to how the Rockefeller drug laws may have imposed harsher penalties for non-violent drug offenses, but crimes related to drug use did not decrease.

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