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Alum solutions precipitate proteinsin the same way as the salts of the other heavy metals, and dilutesolutions have thus an astringent action, while larger quantities andmore concentrated solutions act as irritants. forlocal analgesic effect menthol is especially applicable, and hasbeen used in the form of a stick rubbed over the temple and facefor neuralgia. a more detailed discussion on the content of a maa is presented in chapter 6. another less common physical condensation methodis to introduce a current of sulfur vapor into water, which produces colloidal particles. in many experi-ments the collapse from the irritation of the alimentary canal provesfatal, but in others in which large doses are immediately fatal the poisonis believed to act directly on the nerve cells, whose activity buy tapentadol 50mg no prescription is suspendedby changes in the distribution of the lipoids similar to that underthe alcohol-chloroform group. how did you learn about the promise program and free 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